Equator Art Projects

47 Malan Road, #01-21, Singapore 109444

The sister gallery to Langgeng Gallery, one of the top galleries in Indonesia, Equator Art Projects aims to be a platform for art that is intelligent, sensuous, and “of-this-moment”, regardless the medium. The gallery represents a core group of acclaimed Indonesian artists such as Agus Suwage, Arahmaiani, Arin Dwihartanto, Bambang “Toko” Witjaksono, Filippo Sciascia, Indieguerillas, J. Ariadhitya Pramuhendra, S. Teddy D. and Uji Handoko Eko Saputro. Equator Art Projects also shows the works of regional artists from Singapore, China, and the Philippines, and the gallery seeks to contribute to the study of Southeast Asian art history through its exhibitions and publications.


Opening hours:
Tue to Sat 12pm-7pm
Sun 12pm-6pm
Closed on Mondays & Public holidays



+65 6694 3727
Current Past


Never Ending, 2013


Gaussian (Chardin), 2011


Three Graces, 2013


Stoned, 2013


Falling Flowers, 2008-2013


The sound of a gentle word, 2011


Theory and Practice of the Small Painting

There has been such an emphasis on BIG paintings in recent years that people have forgotten that size does not actually equate with either achievement  or ambition, nor that many major paintings of the past were actually small. Vermeer's Girl with Pearl Earring for example is smaller than most paintings in this exhibition.

The obsession with BIGNESS in painting is also bizarre given that most people who live in cities do not have gigantic loft spaces.

However many painters still make small paintings, not just as sketches or as small versions of BIG paintings but as cogent and  coherent works in their own right. These are paintings that are often more intimate, but no less complex than larger works

This exhibition brings together small paintings by Jeremy Sharma and Ian Woo (Singapore), Gregory Halili, Mark Justiniani and Elaine Navas (Philippines), Ugo Untoro (Indonesia), Andrew Stahl, Dennis de Caires and Estelle Thompson (UK). These last two painters were also included in another exhibition of the same title curated by Tony Godfrey in London in 1990. 

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